We charge meterage fees based on your monthly orders and total app users. This allows smaller venues or those with a new app to pay lower fees. You won't be charged meterage fees if you have less than 300 users or 100 monthly orders.
After using our drag and drop app builder, we'll take you through the app store registration process. This is necessary to comply with app store guidelines. Then we'll submit your app for you where it will be reviewed, and within just a few days it'll be live.
At any time you'll be able to use our app builder to make changes or switch themes. Any changes occur instantly, and anyone using your apps will see changes right away, without needing to update.
As technology changes and devices are updated with new features, mobile apps need to be updated to keep up. We make sure your apps stay up to date, and handle all updates for you.
All payments made on your app are securely handled using a 3rd party payment gateway, no payment information is stored on our servers. Customer payments are processed and payed out to businesses on a 2 day rolling basis.